Register Now & Get

★ High quality photos for your social
★ Selected product quality
★ Free first return
10% OFF on first order
★ Fast shipping worldwide

Frequently asked questions for registration at LEIVIP.COM

Who can register as a customer at LEIVIP.COM?

LEIVIP.COM is a wholesaler exclusively for professional businesses in the fashion industry. If you have a valid VAT number and are active in this sector, you are welcome to register an account with us.

Can individuals without a company purchase from LEIVIP.COM?

Unfortunately, individual purchases are not possible as we exclusively serve business clients.

I've created an account. Can I start shopping immediately?

Yes! Once you create your account, you can immediately log in to view products, see prices, and manage your account settings. There's no waiting period – you can start shopping right away.

May I use your images?

As a valued customer, you have the privilege to use the images of the products you order. Once your order is complete, you will have access to download high-quality images of the products from your account for your marketing and sales needs.

What happens if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, simply click on the ‘Forgotten password’ option on the login page. Enter your email address, and follow the instructions to set a new password. If you encounter any issues, please contact at customercare@leivip.comor call us on: 💬 WhatsApp: +39 333 3537426

What information do I need to register an account?

To create an account, provide your business information including company name, address, contact details (cell phone number must required for the shipment needs,) and a valid VAT number to verify your eligibility as a business customer.

Is there a fee to register or maintain an account?

No, there is no charge for registering or maintaining an account with LEIVIP.COM. We provide free, easy access to our products for all eligible business customers.

How do I update my account information?

Log in to your account to update any information at any time. This includes contact details, password changes, or shipping address adjustments. To change your email you have to contact our customer care team.

What happens if my VAT Number changes?

Update your VAT number in your account settings promptly to keep your account active and transactions processed correctly.