Dear customer, thank you for registering!

Now you can access and explore thousands of quality products selected according to the latest trend.

We continuously update the Brands and collections to offer you the maximum possibility of choice.

Take advantage of all our services.

You take care of your business,we take care of your products!

Discover the new arrivals now

What advantages will you find in LEIVIP?

Selected Products

We select the best products to offer you a targetedand fast choice to restock your store

Premium Customer Care

You will receive fast and precise assistance thanks tomake you always feel safe with us

Small minimum order

With a minimum order of only € 100 we allow you not to expose yourself to a high risk

Fast Delivery

You will no longer have to wait to receive yourproducts in store, we are committed to offering youthe fastest shipping on the market

If you have any questions contact us,we will be happy to help you contact us.